For over 13 years I worked as a Web, Graphic, and Interactive App Designer and Developer, from my early days at a small advertising agency to a large global corporation.
Being in the creative world daily, it was only a matter of time before I would transistion into digital photography. Since 2003 I've been shooting digital photography as mainly a fun creative outlet.
I started taking photographs of St. Louis architecture, St. Louis monuments and various St. Louis nature settings throughout the Saint Louis metropolitan area. After going on a photoshoot, I would enhance my pictures using various digital techniques, creating a limited edition set of pictures for family and friends.
In 2005, I decided to design and launch™ making available my limited edition pictures so others could add to their collection of fine art. And as the saying goes, the rest is history.
I started off shooting with Fuji equipment and after about a year switched to Canon equipment because of the better quality in the lenses, body and accessories. I do feel that other digital camera brands can work well since a creative picture really comes down to your composition and lighting of the subject.
In my bag you will find:
Mailing Address:
Gregory Schuessler
11662 Gravois Rd #29564
St. Louis, Missouri 63126